
| June 15, 2022

Gauges are useful when wanting to display a quantity along with its range (minimum and maximum). Here, we will try out the plotly package’s functionality to build a gauge plot.

my_gauge <- plot_ly(
  domain = list(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1)),
  value = 6.35,
  title = list(text = "Overall Teaching Evaluation Score",
               color = "#002856",
               font = list(size = 24)),
  type = "indicator",
  mode = "gauge+number",
  gauge = list(
    axis = list(range = list(NULL, 7.0),
                tickcolor = "#64A43A",
                tickfont = list(color = "#002856",
                                family = "Arial",
                                size = 18),
                tickwidth = 10),
    bar = list(color = "#002856"),
    bgcolor = "#FFBF3C",
    bordercolor = "#F18A00",
    borderwidth = 5
  ) %>%
  layout(margin = list(l=20,r=30),
         font = list(color = "#002856", family = "Arial"),
         paper_bgcolor = "#E5E5E5")
my_gauge #print

Originally, I wanted to also describe a confidence interval too for more information, but alas a confidence interval here probably be ambiguous with how people normally see gauges.